Besa Gaming Road Map
Launch Website and socials DONE
Marketing DONE
Early Industry partnerships DONE
Get Safu badge DONE
Public pre-sale IDO FOR 1ST VERSION DONE
Launch on Pancake Swap and DEX DONE
Quarter 4 2023
Release our 1st game – already in development! DONE
Downloadable on all the app stores DONE
Listed on token ranking sites DONE
Apply for Coingecko and CMC listings DONE
Build our following on socials DONE
Quarter 1 2024
Open staking platform DONE
Continuous building more levels for our games 7 GAMES IN THE HOUSE
Expansion of our team with more Game developers DONE
Begin the process to expand into the Metaverse.....
Large marketing campaign ON GOING
Gaming competitions DONE
Quarter 2 2023
Start the process for The Besa Gaming Umbrella LLC Corporation IN PROCESS
Decide what Will be our next step regarding our staking or enter our next big Exchange COMING
Expand our holders by getting Besa into different swaps through partnerships DONE
Continue the release of more games and updates to our current games DONE
The creation of our board of directors (A combination of the team and our top holders) DONE
The release of our 1st metaverse game IN PROCESS
After securing our corporation status we star the interview process for our in-house game developers, advertising and team offices. ETA LAST QUATER 2024
The implementation of Besa week. Golf-tournament, gaming competitions and charity events ETA 2025
The Future….
Future Plans for Besa Gaming as a Corporation:
Expand the levels to our games and invest into the metaverse
Make deals with known influencers to be characters for our NFTs and games
In game advertising is a must and will be implemented as soon as possible DONE
Large scale, worldwide gaming competitions
Discuss with development team about creating games, apps and other services for other projects as a source of revenue IN PROCESS
Become a real player in a multibillion dollars industry Creating our LLC corporation with full time employees and developers